Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wow I learned a new trick!

Roll brim preemie hat
Originally uploaded by katzendog3

Since joining Ravelry, I haven't blogged as often because I felt that uploading pictures in two places was too much. Most of my knitting friends belong to Ravelry, but some non-knitting ones view my blog. Tonight at knitting group I mentioned this and one of the group members told me how to upload pictures from flickr. So now I can load project pictures one place. I belong to K2Tog which is a knitting group that meets on Mondays at Starbucks in Danville. As a service project we're making preemie hats. This is my first one and I'm now working my third.

1 comment:

Aunt Kathy said...

I love Flickr too. What a time saver.

I really like that hat.

I live in Upstate Ny and sure wish I had a knitting group around here, I;d love it.