Now let me say that this was a beautiful area of Virginia and the scenery provided many Kodak moments. BUT...the directions from the website took me down a small, really small, road. On one stretch a dually would have needed a wide-load escort. While on this stretch I was behind a Uhaul which had the right wheel on the shoulder and the left over the center line. I stopped before I left civilization to buy a soft drink and, after about an hour, I began to appreciate how Sandra Bullock's character felt in "Two Weeks Notice." I didn't see any RVs but I was about ready to stop at some stranger's house and ask if I could use the facilities.
I took "Little Loopy" with me and wanted to stop and take pictures of her with the beautiful scenery but this road had no pull-offs--of course, I could have stopped on the road as traffic was pretty much non-existent. Finally I arrived. Here's a picture of Loopy on the car at the festival

Later this week I'll be posting about knitting projects. Gotta go spin...
Sounds like a crazy drive, but you got some wonderful rovings. How is the spinning going?
I'd love to see some of that Virginia Mountain scenery.
It looked like you all had a great time, I wish I had gone.
Sorry, but I have tagged you with a Meme. Please check my blog for the rules. Hope you don't mind.
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