Wednesday, March 26, 2008
What's up lately
Spinning is going well. I'm spending about 30 minutes a day at the wheel and am loving it. I wish I had more time. I've got one bobbin of yarn that will be used to ply, dye and knit something. I will start a second one sometime this week. Finding a drafting "hold" that worked for me was not easy since my thumbs are different from most folks. Now I've got it going and am pleased with my handspun. I can't decide whether to use the yarn to make something for myself or to make something for Tristan.
I'm getting ready for my trip to The Loopy Ewe's Spring Fling. I'm making a pair of "secret socks" for my exchange partner, and Wendy Johnson (wendyknits) who will be leading a toe-up class at the Fling has given us a homework assignment. So those will be OTN and possibly another pair of socks for a gift.
Also, OTN is my design drop-shoulder sweater. It is hibernating until I finish the "secret socks." The body is finished and I've knit up my first sleeve and worked to first decrease. I hope to finish it before I leave for Fling.
On the gift knitting front, I'm making a baby surprise jacket using a friend's handdyed. This is an interesting pattern but then EZ's things usually are.
In the wings are several socks I want to make and my DIC sweater KAL and some more baby sweaters.
Below are some pictures of finishhed projects and works in progress.
Snowflake prayer shawl

031908 001
Originally uploaded by katzendog3
I might not have my sweater or my socks finished but, at least, I've finished a prayer shawl. This one's been finished a while but I didn't have time to take picture. It's snowflake stitch from Harmony Guide. Yarn is Red Heart Plush in Marina. I bought this yarn on an e-bay deal and I've almost used it up. I think there's enough for one more shawl. I'm going to post a close-up of stitches up above with no post.
Happy Birthday Paulette

031908 004
Originally uploaded by katzendog3
This is Paulette's birthday present. It's knit-wits heaven's angel of love. I used the nativity handtowel pattern to shape the top and number of stitches to cast on. Yarn is peaches n creme ecru
Argosy Wrap for Brenda

031908 006
Originally uploaded by katzendog3
This is Argosy Wrap for my friend, Brenda. Brenda was eternally healed Saturday and will never use this. Prayers were offered on her behalf while I knit this. The yarn is Fantasy Naturale.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Wendy toe ups

Wendy toe ups
Originally uploaded by katzendog3
This sock 1 in Colinette Jitterbug Castagna. I love this yarn. I used size 1 needles and magic loop. Sock 2 will be done this weekend. Then I'm starting some secret gift socks.
What's OTN and other stuff

Chevron in progress
Originally uploaded by katzendog3
The sweater above is my first "designed" sweater. I'm actually a couple of rows past the start of neck shaping. It's made from Debbie Bliss Aran Tweed on size 6 and 8 needles. I hope to start the sleeves next week and finish this in a couple of weeks. I have another sweater project that I'm itchy to start.
The coffeehouse in Reidsville finally opened, and I was very excited to learn they'd have evening hours. I went by and asked the owner about a knitting group meeting there on Thursday, and he said sure. We established a couple of ground rules. Two weeks later we arrive for our first group meeting to learn that the owner had decided not to remain open on Thursdays. What a BUMMER!!! I was so disappointed. I have been "stalking" this place for months watching for its opening and planning to start a group.
The upside is that I joined a group in Greensboro that meets on Thursday. This group meets at Panera Bread. It originally met in a location that was too far and too congested for me. They changed locations to a place much closer and easier for me to get to. I also attend a group in Danville on Mondays. I listen to knitting podcasts on my way to and from.
I'm still figuring out all this flickr stuff so may have some other project pictures without a whole lot of comment.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wow I learned a new trick!

Roll brim preemie hat
Originally uploaded by katzendog3
Since joining Ravelry, I haven't blogged as often because I felt that uploading pictures in two places was too much. Most of my knitting friends belong to Ravelry, but some non-knitting ones view my blog. Tonight at knitting group I mentioned this and one of the group members told me how to upload pictures from flickr. So now I can load project pictures one place. I belong to K2Tog which is a knitting group that meets on Mondays at Starbucks in Danville. As a service project we're making preemie hats. This is my first one and I'm now working my third.