This week I've been confused about what day it was. All those holidays had me confused. If I'm blogging, this must be Saturday. I made a resolution to blog on Saturday mornings. This means I've been resolute for 5 days.

This is sock one of my Cookie A Monkey socks. The yarn is Cherry Tree Hill Sockittome and colorway is cherry blossom. The yarn feels yummy and I can't wait to wear them. I'm about 1/2 inch down on foot of sock 2.

This is a pumpkin hat from which was on my SnB calendar in October. I thought Tristan should have one so here it is. The yarn is from my scrap stash so I don't have a clue other than acrylic. You can see from the striping that I used two different yarns. The striping trick worked well for hiding the fact that I had two dyelots.

This is Mid December Monthly Dishcloth KAL. Yarn is Bernat Handicrafter Cotton. Pattern is called snowflake. This one has a seam which was not a happy experience.
I'm still working on Julie's Pi Shawl. I'm working the border so--soon!!! I also made a bath mitt for a birthday gift and will make washcloth to match tomorrow. I'll post pics of these next week.
Till then....